Welcome to Gastouderbureau ViaViela!

Phone request

Thank you for your registration on Viaviela.nl to view the profiles of childminders. We would like to support you in finding a suitable childminder and that's why we tried to contact you by phone. Unfortunately, we were not able to reach you.

Phone contact 

We would like to discuss the options for a meeting and tell you more about our approach. Could you please contact us? You can reach us at +31 499-201020 or contact the ViaViela branch in your region directly. You can look up the contact details via the link below.

Find contact details

No longer interested?

If you are no longer interested, you can delete your account on Viaviela.nl as follows:

  • Log in to Viaviela.nl
  • Select 'Uitschrijven' at the bottom left of the page
  • Confirm that you want to completely delete your account.

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